Yantras for Chakras

Yantras for Chakras

Chakras are the new age trend; you probably have seen pictures representing each of them. But, do you know that the geometric figures are yantras?

Yantras are geometrical representations that have a consecrated sound called mantra. The yantras for chakras are linked to the bija or seed mantra of each chakra. Yantras are powerful tools used in meditation.

Yantras are not well known or understood. Sometimes yantras are confused with mandalas. But they have differences; the main ones are their association with a mantra and a deity’s power. Yantras for chakras show new insights into the spiritual and mystical power of using these tools during meditation. 

What Are Chakras?

Talking about chakras is talking about the flow of energy in our body. Ancient cultures understood the energy systems in the body and developed methods to work with these energies. Chakras form part of your energy body. The energy body has a vibrational frequency that acts as your life blueprint. 

Chakras are wheels of energy or vortexes in your body. The awakening of the chakras can raise the Kundalini energy, which leads to higher consciousness. 

Chakras are energy centres that always have energy passing through them. But sometimes they may not be working at their full potential. 

Chakras can have low activity, a balanced and healthy activity, or an overactivity. Underactivity or overactivity will bring unbalance to your body and mind. 

When the chakras are in balance, you are in harmony, your health is good, and life, in general, flows better. When the chakras are out of balance or blocked, you will experience emotional distress or disease. 

When your chakras are awake, your mind changes. You can have balance in your life and your relationships. Your whole being is in harmony, and you can experience fulfilment. By using mantras, meditation, pranayama, and asanas, you can bring your chakras to health.

The chakras act as intermediaries for energy transfer and conversion between two neighbouring dimensions. Chakras facilitate the energy conversion between the body and mind. 

All living things have a chakra system. In humans, the chakra system consists of 114 chakras, from them 7 are the significant chakras and that more people are familiar with. 

Human beings follow a spiritual evolutionary path. The chakras are the way for this evolution to take place. 

Each chakra has six aspects:

  1. Colour.
  2. A specific amount of petals.
  3. Yantra (geometrical shape).
  4. The Beeja mantra (sound vibration).
  5. An animal symbol represents evolution and instincts. 
  6. A higher or divine being: represents higher consciousness.

What Are Yantras?

Yantra forms part of Tantra. Yantras are used to worship the Great Mother, the Divine Feminine in its different Goddesses expressions in the Indian tradition. Some yantras in India are ten to eleven thousand years old.

Yantra in Sanskrit means ‘instrument, tool or technology’. A yantra appears as an image of the Divine. Through the yantra, you can express the qualities of the Creation. Yantra is an image that represents the qualities of God and Goddesses.

A yantra has a symbolic and geometric aspect. The power of the yantra lies in its centre. This centre represents the centre of the Universe and your inner self as part of the Universe. A yantra is made using geometric shapes or iconography images of deities. 

A yantra starts at the central point called Bindu, from it other geometrical shapes irradiate in layers. The common geometrical shapes are triangles, circles, hexagons, and lotus petals. The surrounding is usually a square, which corners represent the cardinal directions.

A yantra is a visual image with a sound attached to it. This sound is a mantra. A mantra is always associated with a yantra. This frequency is the energetic blueprint of the yantra.

Yantra for the Root Chakra

At the base of your spine, in your perineum, you can find the first chakra, the root chakra or Mooladhara chakra in Sanskrit. 

The root chakra is a four-petalled deep red lotus with the element Earth. 

In Sanskrit, ‘Mool’ means root, and ‘adhara’ to support. Mooladhara connects you with the Earth. It’s the base of your vital force and where the kundalini energy lies dormant waiting to rise through the chakras.

The characteristics of this chakra are related to survival instincts, grounding, basic needs, stability, safety, security and belonging.

  1. Colour: Red.
  2. Petals: 4.
  3. Yantra: Circle with four petals with a  downward pointing triangle. 
  4. Beeja mantra: LAM.
  5. Mythological animal: A white elephant with seven trunks
  6. Deity: Brahma, Dakin, Ganesha

Element: Earth.

Location: Perineum.

Sense organ: nose

Planets: Saturn, Earth, Mars

The Mooladhara yantra is a circle with four petals with a  downward pointing triangle. This downward pointing triangle symbolises the connection of matter with the ground. It’s the base of our vital force and where the kundalini energy lies dormant waiting to rise through the chakras.

If you have an underactive or unbalanced root chakra, you will experience physical and mental disturbances. Psychologically you may experience insecurity, fear, anxiety, negativity, aggression, or disconnection with your body. Physically you may have problems with the legs, feet, lower back, colon and bladder.

When your root chakra is overactive, you get easily angry and frustrated by people and situations. You will have an obsession and possessiveness about money.  You will be stuck in your everyday routine, in a job or in things that no longer serve you. It will be difficult for you to let go of any of them.

The power of the yantra goes hand in hand with its mantra LAM. Every time you connect with the image of the yantra and chant its mantra, you will benefit from the power of the yantra to balance your root chakra.

Chanting its bija mantra LAM while focusing on the mooladhara yantra will help you feel secured and safe in the world. The yantra and the mantra LAM can help you to balance and heal your root chakra. 

You will be able to sustain yourself, feel secure and confident of your capabilities to provide your basic needs. You will take decisions with ease as you are grounded. You will experience prosperity in your life. 

Meditate while chanting LAM for 3 to 12 minutes every day. Be patient and consistent. 

Yantra for the Sacral Chakra

The second chakra is known as Swadhisthana, or Sacral chakra a six-petalled vermillion lotus. In Sanskrit, ‘Swa’ means one’s own, and ‘Adhisthana’ abode or seat. You can locate the sacral chakra just below the navel. 

Swadhistana is responsible for our creative and sexual energies.  When your sacral chakra is balanced, you are able to connect to others, enjoy new experiences and have healthy boundaries in your relationships. You will have self-discipline and be independent. 

  1. Colour: Orange/Vermillion.
  2. Petals: 6
  3. Yantra:  White/silver crescent moon 
  4. Beeja mantra: VAM.
  5. Mythological animal: Crocodile
  6. Deity: Deva Vishnu and Devi Rakini

Element: Water

Location: Reproductive organs, urinary system, spleen, low back

Sense organ: Tongue/ taste

Planets: Mercury

When your sacral chakra out of balance, it will manifest as feeling uninspired, have low creativity and be less assertive. 

Psychologically you will be afraid of change, have addiction-like behaviours, have low self-esteem and low interest in life. Physically you can present disorders of the reproductive system, menstrual difficulties, and sexual dysfunction.

If your sacral chakra is overactive sex can become an addiction. 

The power of the yantra goes hand in hand with its mantra VAM. Every time you connect with the image of the yantra and chant its mantra, you will benefit from the power of the yantra to balance your sacral chakra.

For your sacral chakra to be balanced, the right amount of energy needs to be flowing, not too much, not too little. Bring it into balance meditating with Swadhistana yantra while chanting its Beeja mantra VAM. Be patient and consistent, do it for 3 to 12 minutes every day. 

Yantra for solar plexus

Manipura or Solar plexus chakra is a ten-petaled bright yellow lotus located slightly above the navel, and its element is fire. In Sanskrit, ‘Mani’ means gem, and ‘Pura’ means city. So, Manipura is the city of gems. 

The solar plexus chakra gives you your personal power and self-esteem. When in balance, you are confident and in control of your life. You will trust life. 

  1. Colour: Yellow
  2. Petals: 10
  3. Yantra: Inverted triangle with a T shape on its three sides.
  4. Beeja mantra: RAM.
  5. Mythological animal: Ram.
  6. Deity: Deva Rudra and Devi Lakini. 

Element: Fire

Location: Navel, spleen, upper abdomen, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestines, and digestive system.

Sense organ: Eyes/ sight

Planets: Jupiter

If your Manipura chakra is underactive, you can experience low self-esteem, having difficulty making decisions. When unbalanced, you may experience a lack of purpose, anxiety, fear. 

If your solar plexus is overactive, you may have anger or control issues, you will want things to be perfect and be overcritical. Physically you may present digestive problems, like ulcers. 

The power of the yantra goes hand in hand with its mantra RAM. Every time you connect with the image of the yantra and chant its mantra, you will benefit from the power of the yantra to balance your solar plexus chakra.

Bring your solar plexus in balance with its Bija mantra RAM. 

Meditate with Manipura yantra while chanting RAM for 3-12 minutes every day. Be patient and consistent. 

Yantra for the Heart Chakra

Anahata or Heart chakra is a twelve petalled green-blue lotus. It’s located in the heart region, and its element is Air. 

In Sanskrit, Anahata means unstruck or unhurt.

The heart chakra is the union between the lower and upper chakras. Anahata represents the union between your spiritual and the physical body. 

 A balanced heart chakra will lead you to experience a deep sense of love and joy. You will feel compassion and inner peace. Love will flow freely in both giving and receiving. 

  1. Colour: Blue/Green
  2. Petals: 12
  3. Yantra:  hexagram with two interlaced triangles.
  4. Beeja mantra: YAM
  5. Mythological animal: Black antelope
  6. Deity: Ishana Rudra/Kakani

Element: Air

Location: Heart, lungs, thymus, breasts and arms.

Sense organ: touch/hands

Planets: Sun and Venus

If your heart chakra is unbalanced, Psychologically you’ll experience emotions of fear, anger, hatred, betrayal, jealousy, grief and trust issues. You may tend loneliness, depression, jealousy and be judgemental.

You can also experience physical manifestations often related to the heart and circulatory issues or the lungs and breathing issues.

Symptoms that your heart chakra is blocked are stuck emotions of fear, betrayal, anger, jealousy, grief, hatred towards yourself and others. These emotions can lead to depression and loneliness. You will tend to be judgemental and sabotage love opportunities. 

A blocked heart chakra manifests physically as the heart and circulatory problems, breathing and lung issues.

Positive Affirmation: I am giving and receiving love effortlessly and unconditionally.

The Anahata yantra is made of two interlaced triangles symbolising the union between Shiva and Shakti. The triangle pointing downward represents the creativity (Shakti), and the triangle pointing upwards represents the consciousness (Shiva). Within the hexagon, there is a black antelope which represents alertness. 

The power of the yantra goes hand in hand with its mantra YAM. Every time you connect with the image of the yantra and chant its mantra, you will benefit from the power of the yantra to balance your heart chakra.

The Beeja mantra for the heart chakra is YAM, it can help you to bring it to balance. You will experience deep feelings of love and acceptance of yourself and others. 

Meditate with Anahata yantra while chanting YAM. Chant for 3-12 minutes every day. Be patient and consistent. 

Yantra for the Throat Chakra

Vishuddi or throat chakra is a sixteen petalled violet lotus. It’s located at the throat/neck area, and its element is Ether.

In Sanskrit, Vishuddhi means purification or cleansing. 

The throat chakra is in charge of all areas of communication, speaking the truth and self-expression. 

Vishuddi is the power of your voice; when balanced, you can speak your truth and express your feelings. You are also able to listen to others.

  1. Colour: Blue
  2. Petals: 16
  3. Yantra: Circle with a full white moon 
  4. Beeja mantra: HAM
  5. Mythological animal: White elephant
  6. Deity: Sadashiva

Element: Ether

Location: Cervical nerves, thyroid, throat. 

Sense organ: Hearing

Planets: Saturn

An underactive throat chakra manifests as an inability to express your feelings and emotions, and you hide your truth. 

You are afraid of speaking, this can manifest in a weak voice, shyness, difficulty of putting your feelings into words. 

You are likely to be afraid of judgement. 

If overactive you may be talking too much, you may be defensive with your words and struggle to listen to others. 

Physically it can manifest as a frequent sore throat, thyroid issues, neck and shoulder stiffness, or tension headaches.

The power of the yantra goes hand in hand with its mantra HAM. Every time you connect with the image of the yantra and chant its mantra, you will benefit from the power of the yantra to balance your throat chakra.

The bija mantra HAM can help you bring your throat chakra into balance. Meditate with the yantra while chanting HAM for 3-12 minutes every day. Be consistent and patient.

Yantra for the Third Eye

The third-eye or Ajna chakra is a two petalled indigo-grey lotus. In Sanskrit means Ajna, to command, to know, or to follow, Ajna is the command centre.  It’s located between your eyebrows, in the pineal gland. 

The third-eye chakra is linked to your intuition, inner wisdom, imagination, perception, memory and your decision making. Ajna chakra connects you with your higher and lower self and intuitive clarity. It’s the link between you and the outside world, allowing you to cut through illusions to see the clear picture.

  1. Colour: Indigo/grey
  2. Petals: 2
  3. Yantra: A circle with an inverted triangle, and above the triangle a shiva lingam or astral body.
  4. Beeja mantra: AUM
  5. Mythological animal: Eagle/Hawk
  6. Deity: Shiva and Parvati

Element: Light

Location: Pineal gland 

Sense organ: Mind/intuition

Planets: Jupiter

If your Ajna chakra is underactive, you will experience mistrust in the world and won’t be able to trust your intuition. You may experience depression, introversion, feelings of anxiety, and judgemental and dismissive behaviours.

Physically an imbalance in Ajna chakra presents as vision problems, headaches, memory issues and dizziness. 

An overactive third eye chakra will lead to experience headaches, distress, constant nightmares, visions, losing touch with reality. 

When Ajna chakra is balanced, you will have a clear purpose in life, you will trust your inner wisdom and your intuition to guide you. 

The power of the yantra goes hand in hand with its mantra AUM. Every time you connect with the image of the yantra and chant its mantra, you will benefit from the power of the yantra to balance your third eye chakra.

The Beeja mantra AUM can help you to bring balance to Ajna chakra. Meditate with the Ajna yantra. Be patient and constant with your meditation. Practice every day for 3-12 minutes. 

Yantra for the Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra or Sahasrara is one thousand-petalled multicoloured lotus located at the top of the head. Its colour is white/violet. 

Sahasrara in Sanskrit means a thousand-petals. 

The Sahasrara chakra is the meeting point between your physical body and where individual consciousness meets a higher state of universal consciousness. 

Through your crown chakra, you can experience spiritual growth and connection with the universe. 

When balanced, it can help you to attain clarity and enlightened wisdom. 

  1. Colour: Purple/ gold
  2. Petals: One thousand.
  3. Yantra:  Beyond 
  4. Beeja mantra: AUM
  5. Mythological animal: Eagle
  6. Deity: Shiva

Element: None

Location: Top of the head/ central nervous system. 

Sense organ: Consciousness

Planets: Moon

When your crown chakra is underactive, you may experience stress in mind and body. You are likely to have feelings of isolation and disconnection from everyone and everything. You may struggle to let go of materialistic needs.

If your crown chakra is overactive you can experience a disconnection from your physical body, you won’t be grounded and may have a lack of empathy. 

Your crown chakra can help you achieve more spirituality and connect you with your meaning in life. 

The power of the yantra goes hand in hand with its mantra AUM. Every time you connect with the image of the yantra and chant its mantra, you will benefit from the power of the yantra to balance your crown chakra.

Practice the bija mantra AUM to bring your crown chakra in balance. Be patient and consistent. Practice 3-12 minutes every day. 


Now, you have gone through all the chakras in detail and each of its yantras, So, hopefully, you got an idea what yantras are and how they can help you balance each of your chakras. 

Meditating with the yantra for each chakra while chanting their bija or seed mantra can speed up the process of balancing your energy centres.

If you want to heal your blocked chakras, there are several therapies you can implement, and yantras are one of them.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the 7 Chakra Symbols?

The seven chakra symbols are yantras or geometrical representations that can balance the chakras.

Is Chakra a Real Thing?

Chakras are real; they are located in your body where the left and right side of your body converge, forming vortices of energy. You need to practice chakra meditation frequently to become familiar with this experience.

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