The Geometry of Chakras

The Geometry of Chakras

You may already be familiar with chakra symbols and realised they have some geometrical shapes. But, do you know that there’s a deeper meaning behind each of the chakra’s geometrical shape?

The geometry of chakras is the geometry of the Universe. The chakras’ geometry can help you align and raise your Kundalini energy from the bottom of your spine to the top of your head to reach universal consciousness, which will enable you to reach your full potential in your physical form.

The geometry of the universe is presented through the chakras. Each chakra has a particular geometrical shape, representing the journey through the physical energy centres in your body and how they converge with each other.

Use the chakras to raise your Kundalini energy from your root chakra to your crown chakra, connect with the universal wisdom and reach your full potential.

Energy Channels in the Body Called Nadis

In the Ayurvedic tradition, the energy in the body travels through 72000 channels called Nadis.

Nadis are distributed throughout the whole body. But there are 3 main channels of energy, Ida Nadi carries energy from the left side of the body, Pingala Nadi carries energy from the right side of the body, and Shusumna nadi channel is where the Kundalini energy rises.

The energy from Ida and Pingala nadis travel along the spine in a spiral kind of way. The points where the energy of Ida and Pingala converge are known as chakras.

So chakras are centres of converging energy in your body. The word chakra in the Sanskrit language means wheel or vortex. There are 7 major energy centres, but there are other minor converging energy areas throughout your body.

These energy centres have constant energy flowing through them.  The free flow of energy through the main channels Ida and Pingala can make your chakras flourish.

When your chakras are in balance, the energy flows freely through them and vice versa. Once your chakras are activated, the Kundalini energy can flow through the Sushumna channel.

The Kundalini energy lies dormant at the bottom of the spine. Once the Kundalini energy flows to Shushumna, a new connection to the higher Consciousness can be achieved.

What Are Chakras?

Now, you have a better idea of why chakras are the energy centres in your body. Chakras always have energy flowing through them.

Chakras are in an optimum and healthy state when the right amount of energy flows through them. When too little or too much energy passes through the chakras, they can get out of balance. 

All living things have a chakra system. In humans, the chakra system consists of 114 chakras; 7 are the major and more significant ones in the body.

The seven chakras we are going to talk about are: 

  1. The Root chakra
  2. The Sacral chakra
  3. The Solar plexus chakra
  4. The Heart chakra
  5. The Throat chakra
  6. The Third eye chakra
  7. The Crown chakra

Each chakra has a particular symbol that characterise it.

This symbol is known as Yantra. The geometry of each chakra has a meaning that can help you understand where a chakra’s power comes from.

Human beings follow a spiritual evolutionary path. The chakras are the way for this evolution to take place. The chakras are the portal for you to have harmony, good health, happy relationships and live a more fulfilling life that unfolds effortlessly.

What is the Geometry of Chakras?

The geometry of chakras relates to the worshipping of the Divine Feminine or the Great Mother. 

The different geometric symbols that represent each chakra have a particular meaning.

The chakras’ geometry starts at the centre of the image where the first dot or Bindu is drawn. This Bindu is the centre of the Universe. The point of connection between your consciousness and the universal consciousness.

You will find the common geometrical shapes in the chakra symbols. These common geometrical shapes are circles, triangles, squares, hexagons and lotus petals. They are all surrounded by a square with T.

Here are what each geometrical shape in a chakra symbol means:

  • Triangle pointing downwards – represents the Divine feminine. 
  • Triangle pointing upwards – represents Shiva, masculine energy.
  • Hexagrams – represent the union of feminine and masculine energy. 
  • Lotus petals – represent purity and transcendence. 
  • Circles – represent manifestation.
  • Square surrounding other geometrical shapes – represent the cardinal points.  

The main colours used to make these geometrical shapes in the chakra symbols are white, red, and black.

The geometry of the Root chakra

The root chakra is also known as Mooladhara chakra in Sanskrit is the first chakra located at the base of your spine. The colour of the root chakra is red, and its element is Earth. 

The root chakra has a geometrical symbol represented by a downward pointing triangle, surrounded by a square. These triangle and square are contained within a circle, which is surrounded by four lotus petals.

What does the geometry of the root chakra means?

  • The downward-pointing triangle in the middle of the chakra represents the Divine feminine and the connection between the matter with the ground—your connection with the physical existence on this planet.
  • The square represents the four cardinal points that connect you with the Earth. 
  • The circle is the manifestation of your physical power.
  • The four lotus petals represent the purity and transcendence of human consciousness.

The root chakra geometry represents your connection with the ground, with the Earth. The root chakra is the base of our vital force and where the Kundalini energy lies dormant waiting to rise through the chakras.

The root chakra is the highest chakra you can find in any animal. The root chakra is the lowest chakra in humans; it represents the physicality and the first stage towards spiritual evolution.

The Geometry of the Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is the second chakra. It’s known as Swadhistana in Sanskrit, and it’s located below the navel in the genital area. The water element governs the sacral chakra.

The sacral chakra is the centre of your creative energy, your relationship with others and your sexuality. 

The sacral chakra is represented geometrically by 3 circles, one inside of the other and 6 lotus petals surrounded them all. The three circles represent the manifestation of your creative energy.

The positioning of the three circles creates another shape, that of a crescent moon. This crescent moon represents constant change.

The moon governs the feminine energy, the water element, and the energy from the sacral chakra. The water element gives you the fluidity, movement and aliveness.

The six petals surrounding the circles represent the six elements that you need to purify to achieve transcendence. The six behaviours you need to purify are anger, jealousy, cruelty, hatred, pride and desire.

This transcendence relates to the cycles of birth, death and rebirth represented by the circles.

The Geometry of the Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra known as Manipura in Sanskrit is the third chakra along the spine. 

The solar plexus chakra is located above the navel, and the fire element governs it. The qualities of this chakra are power, determination and activity.

The geometry of the solar plexus chakra consists of an inverted triangle, surrounded by a circle with ten petals around it.

The inverted triangle concentrates the energy of the lower chakras: root, sacral and solar plexus. The inverted triangle represents the feminine energy of the Kundalini rising through the spine, starting from the root chakra. 

The triangle is surrounded by a circle that represents the manifestation of your inner power and determination.

The ten lotus petals represents the pranas and apanas present in the body.

The Geometry of the Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is the fourth chakra. In Sanskrit, it’s known as Anahata chakra. The heart chakra is located in the heart region. The element of the heart chakra is air. 

The heart chakra’s geometry consists of two interlaced triangles forming a hexagram, surrounded by a circle and twelve petals around it. These two interlaced triangles symbolise the union between Shiva and Shakti.

The triangle pointing downward represents the creativity (Shakti), and the triangle pointing upwards represents the consciousness (Shiva). 

The circle surrounding the hexagram is the manifestation of the union of the male and female energies as well as the union between the lower chakras and the higher chakras. The union between the physical and the spiritual. 

The twelve petals of the lotus symbolise the heart chakra’s twelve divine qualities once it’s purified to achieve transcendence. These qualities are love, harmony, bliss, peace, empathy, purity, understanding, compassion, unity, kindness and forgiveness. 

The Geometry of the Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is the fifth chakra, also known as Vishuddi in Sanskrit. The throat chakra as it names refers, it’s located at the throat and thyroid area. Its element is ether or Aakash.

The throat chakra is in charge of your self-expression and communication of your truth.

The geometry of the throat chakra consists of a small circle engulfed in a downward pointing triangle. This triangle is surrounded by a circle,  which have sixteen petals around it. 

The pointing triangle represents the feminine energy of Kundalini moving upwards. It’s the energy gaining knowledge as it raises through the chakras to reach the expression of your higher self.

The circles represent the levels of purification that need to be achieved for you to transcend. The elements of the lower chakras earth, water, fire and air get converted to their pure essence. This, in itself, is the symbol of the purification of your mind.

The sixteen petals of the lotus represent the 16 vowels of the Sanskrit language. These petals represent the ability to communicate

The Geometry of the Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra also known as Ajna chakra. The third eye chakra element is light and it’s located in between your eyebrows by the pineal gland. It reigns your intuition, inner wisdom, and psychic powers.

The geometry of the third eye chakra consists of an inverted triangle surrounded by a circle. The apexes of the triangle touch the circumference of the circle. Connected to the circle, there are two petals, one on the left side of the circle and one on the right side. 

The inverted triangle represents the connection of the rising Kundalini energy reaching towards the divine. 

The 2 petals of the lotus represent the Ida Nadi on the left side and the Pingala Nadi on the right side. 

Up to this point, the Kundalini energy rising through the chakras is time-bound. After the third chakra, you are beyond time.

The Geometry of the Crown Chakra 

The crown chakra is the seventh chakra, also known as Sahasrara in Sanskrit. The crown chakra is located at the top of the head. The crown chakra is where your physical body and individual consciousness meet the universal consciousness.

The geometry of the crown chakra consists of a circle surrounded by a thousand petals lotus. Here is where the Kundalini energy merges with Shiva to achieve liberation of human bondages.

The circle represent the purification you went through with the previous six chakras. From this point, you are ready to reach transcendence and merge with the infinite. 

The moon also represents the full moon and the awakening of the conscious mind.

The thousand petals lotus represent the connection with the Divine, with the Universe. 

Once you managed to awaken all your chakras and reach the crown chakra you become one with the universe. You transcende the cycle of birth and rebirth and entry into a state of bliss known as Samadhi. 

Here you won’t have any more feelings, desires, or emotions in your mind.


Hopefully, you got an idea of the geometry of each of the seven chakras. The chakras have a simple geometry of triangles, circles, hexagons and squares. The meaning behind each geometrical shape is an ancient knowledge that can help us better understand each chakra’s qualities and powers. 

Once you can understand these qualities, the chakras’ mysticism is no longer a mystery, and you can start making sense of the way they work. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 7 chakra symbols?

The 7 chakra symbols are yantras or geometrical shapes that have a particular meaning for each chakra.

What chakra is Om or Aum?

Aum is the mantra for the third eye chakra and for the crown chakra.

What are the 7 Chakra frequencies?

Root chakra frequency of 432 Hz. Musical note C.
Sacral chakra frequency 480 Hz. Musical note D.
Solar plexus frequency of 528 Hz. Musical note E.
Heart chakra frequency of 594 Hz. Musical note F.
Throat chakra frequency of 672 Hz. Musical note G.
Third eye chakra frequency 720 Hz. Musical note A.
Crown chakra frequency of 768 Hz. Musical note B.

What are the 7 mantras?

Root chakra mantra is LAM
Sacral chakra mantra is VAM
Solar plexus chakra mantra is RAM
Heart chakra mantra is YAM
Throat chakra mantra is HAM
Third eye chakra mantra is AUM
Crown chakra mantra is AUM

How many lotus petals are in each chakra?

The root chakra has 4 petals.
Sacral chakra has 6 petals.
Solar plexus chakra has 10 petals.
The heart chakra has 12 petals.
Throat chakra has 16 petals.
Third eye chakra has 2 petals.
Crown chakra has a thousand petals.

Where is Kundalini located in the body?

Kundalini is an energy that lies dormant at the bottom of the spine. Once you clear the Ida and Pingala channels, the Kundalini energy can rise through the Sushumna Nadi. Then you can achieve a higher level of consciousness.

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